Greetings. Thank you for visiting my blog. My name is Kathy and I welcome you to browse the information here and hope it provides some nuggets of gold that can help you on your wellness journey and for those of you seeking to get ahead in life, there is also a rewarding business.
You may have your sights set on achieving your goals in life but please realize that without your health, you will not be able to truly enjoy them.
I have seen people go down the road of taking prescription medication which caused side effects which then led to more medications. I know they have a place but the more that people focus on achieving optimum wellness, the more you can focus on staying well instead of getting better.
This year is my re-commitment to wellness and I invite you to join me. In the past year or so I have had some personal challenges but I am now getting back on track. I will be blogging about information that can be helpful as well as my own journey.
For me personally, I need to lose weight, get in shape, and be healthier. I think there are many who may share my goal <smile>. At one point in my life I had been rock climbing, sky diving, hiking, horse back riding, canoeing the rapids, camping, bike riding and more. As you can see from some of those activities, I enjoy the outdoors. My goal is to get back to them and to enjoy traveling again. It all starts with the first step and taking the right path.
I love the company I am with and they have such integrity and commitment to wellness. I have never seen any other company so committed to helping people on their wellness journey with not just products, but also programs to help.
I have just recently joined this company but already I am in love with it. Anyone that knows me, know I don’t give my heart easily to a company. There are so many factors that I consider and so many times I have been approached and turned down the company. I have to 100% believe in the company, the products and the people. Would love for you to try the products and see how they can be of help to you but hope also the information I share may also be beneficial. I would also love to hear about the journey that you’re on. Please drop me a line. And if you’re interested in trying the products, please contact me.
Also, I do want to add that as an distributor with this company, if you go to any of the company websites I share and purchase products, I will earn commissions, and as for the products, I love them and wouldn’t be with this company if I didn’t believe in them. ? And if you’re seeking to create additional income, I would love to share about this company where no one gets hurt … how is that possible? They have a co-op where you can join and acquire customers from the company. So many people have been in a company like this but never had success. This company has removed this barrier and so excited to be a part of it and helping others to achieve their dreams.
I look forward in helping you in creating better health and wealth in your life.
All my best,
Independent Jump To Health™ Distributor