Rewarding Business

Hi!  My name is Kathy.  Welcome to my site.  I am giver … always have been and I am attracted to business opportunities that give back and make a difference in people’s lives.  That’s what attracted me to Jump to Health and becoming a distributor.  Is this business right for you?  If you are truly seeking a business, not a hobby, which I was, there are several key points that you need to look for to see if it’s the right business for you.

First and foremost, in my humble opinion, you must have your own product experience.  I find it very difficult to build a business if you heart is not in it, and the way your heart is in it, is by loving what you do from both the products and the company.  I encourage you to try the products and see what a difference it can make in your life.

Just as important is that you are offering something unique.  With Jump to Health, they have many different categories of products but for 2021 they won an award for best weight loss products globally.  And, they have a product that can calm the stress and aches of the day, fight inflammation – in days to minutes.  Those are two areas where so many people need help.  But what also makes them so unique is the care they put into formulating the product and the support the company gives you from the community to information and rewarding you on your progress.  They also have a savings program where you can save up to 65% on travel, shopping and more.  In addition they have a walk to give where when you reach a milestone, they will give to Feed America.  And they make it so easy to get started … it’s free to join.  I would say what makes Jump to Health stand apart is they really are like a family where you are able to have high quality, reasonably priced products that really work, and the support they give you to help you to achieve your goals.

They also have a unique 3 for Free program lets you get your product FREE. If you have 3 customers or more, you get the average of the highest orders each month FREE, automatically deducted from your smart ship.

What I also love are their 4 pillars …

Health – Without your health you can’t live the life you desire. With Jump to Health, you can get your Inner Fit back, and Jump into a better way of living.

Wealth – Their Revenue Share Plan rewards the right things – not hype or fake checks – but team work, and volume based sales helping others get Inner Fit, and get your product free too when you build customer volume.

Living Travel. Concerts. Movies. – HAVE Fun, and get rewarded for FREE for Autoship members. Build your dreams, build your life with Jump. Other companies charge membership fees for travel access. With Jump you can have savings of up to 65% on travel and shopping and more.  Just an added perk. 🙂

And Giving – Jump to Health believes in sharing their Blessings and at Jump they help you Jump into Giving too. Simply join their Health Journey. Earn Prizes, get rewarded, and
know that you are helping to feed hungry families, and help children have the opportunity to grow and thrive.

Next is the compensation.  If you are not compensated for the work you are doing, then once again, you have a hobby, not a business.  There are many home based businesses that have compensation plans that are either very confusing or very unfair.  Not with Jump to Health.  They have a very simple but rewarding compensation plan.  They also pay you dollar for dollar.  What does that mean?  Other companies may only pay you on what’s called a reward value or their other names for it but you aren’t being paid commissions on the true amount of the sale.  That’s not the case with Jump to Health and when you reach their third rank, of Gold, you could have a full time income.  How amazing is that?

Then, and this to me is just as important as the compensation is the support and the training.  That is your foundation to your business.  If the company doesn’t have good support, the customers and you will not be happy and if they don’t have adequate training, you are going to be starting from square one trying to recreate the wheel.  Of course, you hope you’re on a team that provides training but you always, always, let me repeat that, always want a company that provides training.  What’s great is the team I am on provides great support but at the same time, the company has fantastic training. They have a both business and product training calls and more.

Also, equally important was the integrity of the CEO and the integrity of the company.    The CEO, Audrey Sommerfeld and the President, Randy Mitchell, have so much experience in the industry and is so supportive of us.  Audrey has a proven track record and grew three brand to more than $1B in annual sales with brands including Oil of Olay, Johnson & Johnson, Herbalife Intl and ViSalus Sciences and she has global experience in 59 countries!  But more important is how much she cares from getting us the right information on nutrition, helping us to build our business and motivating us.  Randy Mitchell the President, is a seasoned CEO in the Direct Selling Industry, Corporate Leadership with AT&T and Professional Coach, mentor and Personal Development Leader.  Both Audrey and Randy have been absolutely wonderful and have been accessible and responsive.  In fact when I had first been researching the company, all I saw were rave reviews for the products and Audrey and Randy 🙂  I have spoken to both of them and any time I have had a question, I was able to get an answer and I was impressed with their dedication to this company and to the customers and to the distributors. Every call I have been on, every conversation I have had, has the core values shining through. Everything I have learned about the company and the CEO the President has me embracing this business and wanting to share with others.

And last, and to me this was important but it may not be as much to you but I wanted to be part of a company that was not a start up (because most start us fail) but at that break out point with massive growth and that is exactly where Jump to Health is right now.

Want to learn more about the company?  Call me on 404-827-8102 or contact me HERE and I am happy to send you a 3 minute video that shares more.

If you do choose to purchase the product, please know I will be compensated but I wouldn’t share about the products if it wasn’t something I truly believed in.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you much health and wealth,


Katherine Smith


Independent Jump To Health™ Distributor